Region 4 MIG hosts the Omaha Area Student Nurses Association Collaborative Event
ON SATURDAY, March 23rd, 2024, the NNA Region 4 MIG hosted the Omaha Area Student Nurses Association Collaborative Event at Nebraska Methodist College. This event has occurred annually since 2019 with the purpose of bringing together students from all Omaha metro nursing education campuses participating in their Student Nurse Association groups. Students can network and share what each campus is doing in their respective group, and the event also encourages students to consider getting involved with their state nursing association after graduation. Approximately 25 student representatives from six colleges of nursing in the Omaha metro area were in attendance. This included representatives from UNMC – Omaha College of Nursing, Creighton University, Metropolitan Community College, College of Saint Mary, Nebraska Methodist College, and Midland University.
The event included presentations from Jocelyn Ramos, BSN, RN, who described her journey as a nurse and involvement with professional organizations, and Alyson Hanish, PhD, RN, who discussed the importance of wellness and self-care as students enter the nursing profession. Students also networked through small group discussions to determine areas collaboration could continue in the future. Ideas included coordinating a service project and connecting at future state and national student nursing association events. Finally, students involved in their Student Nurse Association leadership teams were presented a certificate from the NNA to thank them for their service.
We would like to thank Jocelyn Ramos and Alyson Hanish for speaking at the event, Nebraska Methodist College for hosting, Kim Houtwed, Director of the NNA, and all faculty advisors at the area colleges for planning and organizing this event.

College of Saint Mary: Angie Washington, Amanda Chizek, Chloe Madigan, Sienna Hundal, Peyton Preston, Mica Kielian, Amanda Vanoeveren, Navyd Hernandez, Nikki Miller, Latoya Thomas, Margaret “Maggie” Durbin, Leslie Le, Alena Haun
Nebraska Methodist College: Austi Verby, Austin Carmen, Payton Wieting, Maya Gray, David Mott, Anna Revoy
Creighton University: Adelaide Saab, Claire Gerken, Aria Ng, Alexa Rank, Meah Allison, Gabriel Guerra-York, Dayna Lynch, Ann Loyd, Sarah Koons, Prayvell Pope, Caiti Simon, Mallory Schmidt
UNMC College of Nursing: Brittaney Carroll, Saige Angleton, Amelia Mendoza-Lopez, Haley Bassett, Mary Reese
Clarkson College: Serena Wilson, Gina Olsen
Metro Community College: Faith Swanberg, Caitlin Boadwee, Crysta Chalupa, Shanyn Hoots
Midland University: Chiara Richeson, Kaylee Bergstrom, Caitlyn Lessig
Region 1 Panhandle MIG
The NNA Panhandle MIG approved funds to assist UNMC CON BSN students in attending the National Student Nurses Convention in Orlando in April.
“Student Nurse/s” of the year will be recognized in May for the Western Nebraska Community College ADN and UNMC CON- Scottsbluff division programs in May.
Our MIG is also collaborating with Regional West Medical Center (RWMC) UNMC- alumni, Nebraska Panhandle Area Health Education Center (NP-AHEC) in organizing a Nurses Day event planned for Tuesday, 5/14, during Hospital Week at RWMC. The theme will be self-care, and CE will be offered by NNA President Linda Hardy in the morning and evening, along with various self-care booths. All nurses are invited to save the date and attend. More details will follow.
Creighton University College of Nursing Fac-ulty Receive NNF Project Grant 2024
CONGRATULATIONS to Drs. Theresa Jizba and Trina Walker who received a $1000 project grant from the Nebraska Nurses Foundation for their project, The Development of a Nurse Practitioner Genomic Education Model. Their innovation project aims to develop a model for integrating relevant genomic content into any nurse practitioner (NP) program by applying current evidence-based research to a cohort of NP students transitioning into the clinical practice environment.
Few genomic integration models exist for graduate curricula (Samania et al., 2022; Aiello, 2017). Using Benner’s novice-to-expert clinical competence framework (1982), this innovation project will generate a Nurse Practitioner Genetic Education Model (NP-GEM) for advancing student knowledge from novice to competent level during one year of their graduate nursing program. It will illustrate the targeted integration of genomic nursing content in stages, with one stage building on the next to achieve lasting knowledge retention. During the funding period, they will implement content to bring students through the novice, advanced beginner, and competent learning levels.
Please look for more information on the results of their project in a future issue of the Nebraska Nurse. They will also be speakers at the Nebraska Nurses Convention in October 2024.