News Journal Archives

Do’s and don’ts of defensive documentation

DOCUMENTING CARE is a basic nursing responsibility, but it’s one that nurses often struggle with because of time constraints and challenges associated with electronic health records (EHRs), such as poor…

From the NNA Executive Director

Congratulations to our newly elected officers and committee members. We are grateful to have you representing Nebraska nurses and look forward to your contributions to the Nebraska Nurses Association. Vice…

Nebraska School Nurses Association Update

THE NEBRASKA SCHOOL NURSES ASSOCIATION, the official affiliate of the National Association of School Nurses, in collaboration with the Central Nebraska School Nurses Association, is in the process of planning…

Nurse Advocacy Through Media Communications

THROUGHOUT THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC, the media has shared images of nurses donning trash bags as protective clothing when supplies ran out and bearing facial marks from long hours wearing masks…

Omaha Metro Area Mutual Interest Group

THE NNA METRO OMAHA METRO AREA MUTUAL INTEREST GROUP (MIG) had a very successful 2023. The MIG hosted several events in NNA Region 4, inviting all nurses in the area…