
Celebrate, Collaborate, Create: The Inaugural ANA-Ohio Annual Meeting

By: Naomi House, BSN, RN, PMH-BC; Tammy Kaylor, MSN, BA, RN, CDCA


ANA-Ohio held the inaugural annual meeting on September 23, 2023. Prior to the event, a reception was hosted the previous evening. In this article, we will share our thoughts about these important gatherings and how the meeting theme was captured throughout the event.


Smiling faces and enthusiastic personalities greeted us Friday evening as we arrived at The Ohio State University’s beautiful facility, Heminger Hall. And what a celebration! In addition to professional networking, photo opportunities, and great conversations about the future of the organization, the inaugural members received well-deserved congratulations and standing ovations from the attendees as we recognized their tireless work to create a brand-new organization. The founders not only created ANA-Ohio from scratch, but they also restored the connection between professional nursing in Ohio and the national affiliation with the American Nurses Association (ANA). The enthusiasm was contagious and the attendees were optimistic about the future and the exciting possibilities offered by this new organization. Nurses in Ohio now have their voice back! (Plus, there was cake!).


Keynote speaker, Dr. Earnest J. Grant, ignited us with his charge for “Putting the Fire Back in Your Organization” and then graciously offered his insight into his lifelong mission for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in nursing. He updated the membership on the status of the DEI initiatives in the ANA and rallied our membership to continue and advance the DEI work he started during his term as ANA President. Saturday’s day-long event provided a real feeling of comradery at all levels of career and education. We discussed issues related to the future of nursing including the use of technology, partnering with other organizations, and promoting diversity in nursing education. We learned about the structure of ANA-Ohio and collaborating on committees to accomplish the goals of the organization as committee chairpersons shared details of their work. It was a pleasure to sit at the table as an equal with tenured professors, seasoned nursing leaders, novice nurses, and students.


We all have a story to tell. The closing keynote speaker, Nicole Ruttencutter, RN challenged all in attendance to find our voices and tell our stories in an effort to “Heal the Healers.” We were moved to tears by one story shared by a nurse who, when pulled out of her comfort zone to provide flu shots at a very rural truck stop, found that she received more than she gave that day. She was willing to be vulnerable and open during a Thanksgiving assignment and found acceptance and friendship among a group of truck drivers that transcended social, racial, and cultural barriers as the group connected over shared hopes for their families.

All in all, it was a supportive environment, inspiring change in all the best ways. The theme may have been to Celebrate, Collaborate, and Create, but an additional theme emerged as the event was filled with Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion. We truly walked away with the feeling, ok let’s call it the knowledge, that EVERY nurse is welcome at ANA-Ohio.

Thank you for the incredible opportunity, ANA-Ohio. Here is to the year ahead!

Content of this article has been developed in collaboration with the referenced State Nursing Association.

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