Below are recent articles from
South Carolina Nurse, the official publication of the South Carolina Nurses Association.

South Carolina Nurses Foundation

WE ARE SPRINGING into the season, and with new buds forming on the trees, and grass turning green that means it is also time for new things to emerge for…

Name it, claim it, tame it

HAVE YOU EVER HEARD a little voice in your head say, “I’m not sure how much longer I can go on like this?” Have you ever been cynical or sarcastic…

What’s In it for me? WIIFM

WHEN IT COMES TO GIVING, I often section my giving out in three ways: time, talent, treasure. My time consists of me showing up to events, volunteering, being present in…

Full practice authority: What it means for NPs

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS have led to significant progress with achieving full practice authority (FPA) for nurse practitioners (NPs) in the United States. However, it’s crucial for NPs to understand that FPA…

Articles From American Nurse that you may be interested in

Knowledge of intravascular determination

The KIND study reviews nurses’ knowledge and understanding of intravascular volume. Takeaways: A knowledge deficit exists among nurses regarding the understanding of hemodynamic and intravascular fluid status and monitoring. The…

Connecting theory and practice

Outcome data have taught us that where we live strongly predicts our overall health status. As nursing professionals, we’ve been consistent with our messaging about how to reduce factors associated with the risk of heart disease and, specifically, myocardial infarction. However, according to the CDC, messaging efforts haven’t significantly lowered morbidity and mortality rates since 2011. Perhaps we’re just not willing to grapple with the more complex issue—healthcare system inequity.

Stevens-Johnson syndrome

Jordan Davidson, a 20-year-old Asian-American woman, arrives in the ED with a painful rash that has progressed to blisters on the skin and the mucus membranes of the mouth, throat, eyes, genitals, and anus. Ms. Davidson reports that cough and body aches preceded the rash. She also tells you that she recently received a diagnosis of bipolar 2 disorder and was prescribed lamotrigine and valproate (anticonvulsants used to treat bipolar disorder). What do you suspect is the cause?