As defined by the National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing (2021, as cited in, n.d.) racism involves ‘assaults on the human spirit in the form of actions, biases, prejudices, and an ideology of superiority based on race. This persistently causes moral suffering and physical harm of individuals, communities, perpetuates systemic injustices and inequities’ (para. 4). The journey to address racism began by the American Nurses Association, and New Jersey State Nurses Association’s Addressing Racism in New Jersey Nursing is proud and inspired to bring this journey to New Jersey.
A group of nurses who shared concerns and hope for addressing racism in New Jersey nursing began to meet last summer. The establishment of the Task Force, approved by the New Jersey State Nurses Association (NJSNA) Board of Directors in November of 2023, has been meeting. We decided to begin this work by advocating for awareness as a first step in addressing racism and bias in the nursing workforce in New Jersey. During the March 2024 meeting of the Task Force, and with the support of the NJSNA President, Sandra Foley, the group agreed the Region Presidents would be invited to attend an April meeting. This began outreach to support regional dialogue of experiences in a safe space to share. To date, the Regions are in discussion, are planning, or have begun to bring racism discussions to their membership. The Task Force plans to continue to support the Region Presidents and support efforts to address awareness of racism.
The Task Force invites all nurses to join in our goal-oriented plan towards dismantling structures of unequal power for the future by reflecting on your own experiences. One such article that offers the opportunity for reflection is by Martie Sirois, titled, “The Kind of Racism You Don’t Even Know You Have.” A toolkit to help advance this journey was the Organization of Nurse Leaders, “Toolkit for Addressing Racism in Nursing and Healthcare,” (2022). On page 5, please note there is a Nurse’s Pledge (Nurse’s Pledge to Champion Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity survey).
References (n.d.). Our racial reckoning statement. American Nurses Association.
Organization of Nurse Leaders. (2022). Toolkit for addressing racism in nursing and healthcare.