These past six months are a testament about what nurses can accomplish when working toward a common or shared goal. Initially formed as OHRN, our group has become the state nurses association affiliate for Ohio to the American Nurses Association (ANA). Many thought it was achievable, but not necessarily in the timeline that it did occur. The “why” discussion is for another time. Nurses in Ohio own the “how”.
Nurses in Ohio have a long history of demonstrating the “how” in different roles and activities. From the classroom, to practice, in the research lab, or the unique roles they hold in the workplace, nurses had a mission, or vision to advance our profession. Ohio is known for nurses who have made a difference, leading the profession. Four ANA presidents are associated with living, working, and going to school here. In fact, the very first ANA President, Isabel Adams Hampton Robb was a key figure in Cleveland. Multiple other national associations and the International Council of Nurses have presidents with Ohio in their background. Dorothy Cornelius is an example of such a nurse leader. National associations have strong relationships with our state and nurses that call Ohio home. It was at the home of Dr. Mary Harper, in Cleveland, that a group of nurses established the National Black Nurses Association. This is yet another example of nursing leadership from Ohio.
Not surprising to nursing historians or those that have studied our profession’s many policy successes, our state is full of many examples when nurses have led, made a difference, and achieved what was once thought not possible (particularly in a short timeline). Our profession’s history and leadership became a reality because of these nurses.
Do you wonder what did these historical nurses have in common with nurses today and particularly those associated with ANA-Ohio? It starts with creating the vision, mission, and identifying values that nurses believe in and can support.
From the beginning our association identified non-negotiable values that aligned and guided our vision and the mission statement “empowering nurses to achieve excellence” by:
- Shaping the dynamic health care delivery system,
- Establishing standards of excellence in nursing practice
- Serving as the primary resource for nurses, policy makers, and other stakeholders regarding healthcare and nursing issues
- Advocating for patients, nurses, and other professions,
- Supporting the evolution of educational and career advancement of nurses,
- Embracing diversity within the profession.
These statements make clear who we are and identify our priorities. It is no surprise that our membership numbers are growing daily. Thank you to all who quickly accessed the ANA website and selected “Joint Membership” in ANA and ANA-Ohio. We have committed to reaching a membership of 1000 as part of our application to become Ohio’s official ANA constituent. We’re off to a good start with a joint membership exceeding 700 as of August 1, 2023. Many of our members have joined ANA for the first time.
With our transition to ANA-Ohio, more opportunities for member engagement will be available. Our first Annual Membership meeting scheduled for September 22-23, is approaching. The meeting will open with a reception Friday evening to celebrate and thank everyone for all the work that led to our success in forming this new organization. Then Dr. Ernest Grant, past president of ANA, will give the keynote address on Saturday morning. The event will be held at Hemminger Hall on The Ohio State University’s campus. Following our annual meeting, our fall programming includes the first ever Nurse Policy Hackathon, November 3-5, that will highlight the voice of nursing in Ohio to address the critical issues nurses face. We encourage all members to get involved.
In less than a year, Ohio has a new relevant nursing association that speaks to and for all nurses in our state. OHRN created a strong foundation for the transition to ANA-Ohio this summer, validating our vision. It is the association’s commitment that we will not only speak for all nurses but will work for all.
2023 ANA-Ohio Board of Directors and Committee Chair Information
Introducing the ANA-Ohio Board of Directors. Most were elected in 2022 with two individuals (Deb Arms and Corrin Steinhauer) having been appointed in 2023 to fill vacant board positions.
President | Rebecca M. Patton, DNP, RN, CNOR, FAAN
First Vice President | Susan Yoder, PhD, RN
Second Vice president | Deb Arms, PhD, BSN, MS
Secretary | Mary Beth Mathews, PhD, RN, BC
Treasurer | Barbara Daly, PhD, RN, FAAN
Director | Linda Warino, BSN, RN
Director | Dan Kirkpatrick, MSN, RN, NE-BC
Director | Corrin Steinhauer, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
Executive Director | Jean Swaney, MSN, RN, ANP-C (R)
Committee Chairpersons were appointed in 2022.
Bylaws | Wynne Simpkins, MS
Continuing Education Committee Co-Chairs | Terry Pope, MSN, RN, NPD-BC & Barbara Brunt, MA, MN, RN, NE-BC, NPDA-BC
EDI | Jean Anthony, PhD, MSN, BSN
Finance | Kathy Peppe, MS, RN, FAAN
Membership | Sally Morgan, AGPCNP-BC, ACNS-BC
Nominating | Judith Beeler, MSN, RN
Public Policy | Sara Arter, PhD, RN
Publications and Communications | Yvonne Smith, PhD, APRN-CNS
Governance Task Force | Carol Roe, JD, RN
Members of the board and chairpersons are dedicated Ohio leaders that serve to carry out ANA-Ohio’s Mission and support today’s registered nurses through leadership, resources, advocacy, and awareness.