American Nurse Today Magnet® Profiles, Updates and Highlights
Magnet Update – a resource for nurses interested in learning more about Magnet facilities.

Click here to download our special Magnet Highlights section from the January 2014 issue
Click here to download our special Magnet Update section from the March 2014 issue
Click here to download our special Magnet Profiles section from the September 2013 issue

Selected Career Articles from American Nurse Today

Coping with unexpected job loss

Some sound advice on reacting to job loss – and moving on.

How about a career in nursing informatics?

Learn about the many areas and opportunities in the field of informatics.

Create better communications

Communicating assertively is a learned skill. Use the “look, think, and act” model to evaluate and improve your communication skills.

Why more nurses should write for publication (but don’t)

The author describes her technique for turning nurses’ everyday experiences into publishable articles.