
washing wash hands hygiene note
Medicare to stop reimbursing hospitals for eight preventable conditions Medicare will stop paying hospitals for the extra costs of treating eight conditions stemming from…
Risky or excessive alcohol use is common, expensive, and underrecognized as a significant public health problem. It’s also not addressed adequately in healthcare settings.…
Nurses improve quality of care, using the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators.
By reciting wacky dialogue from a scene in a Monty Python movie, Mary Delisle, RN, interrupted the negative thought patterns of a patient mired…
estrogen women woman note
Good news for younger women taking estrogen     Estrogen therapy may have cardioprotective effects for women who start taking it in their 50s. A study…
washing wash hands hygiene note

Take Note – October 2007

Medicare to stop reimbursing hospitals for eight preventable conditions Medicare will stop paying hospitals for the extra costs of treating eight conditions…

Issues up close

Risky or excessive alcohol use is common, expensive, and underrecognized as a significant public health problem. It’s also not addressed adequately in…

Issues up close

Nurses improve quality of care, using the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators.

The freeing force of laughter

By reciting wacky dialogue from a scene in a Monty Python movie, Mary Delisle, RN, interrupted the negative thought patterns of a…
estrogen women woman note

Take Note – August 2007

Good news for younger women taking estrogen     Estrogen therapy may have cardioprotective effects for women who start taking it in their 50s.…
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Which of the following is correct about Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF)?