Inspired by the response to my photos, I expanded my efforts to take a wide range of photos, always with the family’s permission, of course. Photography offers a way to capture a moment, and I try to capture moments that evoke positive emotions.
My best photos show kangaroo care—one of the few interactions a mother can have with her extremely premature baby. Snapping the pictures takes only a few minutes, and then I leave the mother alone to enjoy her time with her baby.
As my photography in the NICU has advanced, so has my interest in photography outside the NICU. I love to pull out my camera; play with angles, colors, and light; and capture unusual photos. I’m just a beginner, but I’m looking forward to taking some great pictures, as I learn more about this art form.
Cheryl Briggs is a staff nurse in the NICU at Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis, Md., and an award-winning photographer, whose photos have been published in textbooks.