
Carrots and sticks

The Stick—penalties for excess readmissions Is your hospital on the list? Starting this month, over 2,200 hospitals are forfeiting up to 1% of their base Medicare payments as…

Challenging nursing’s sacred cows

Do you routinely instill normal saline solution into endotracheal tubes before suctioning? Use only the Glasgow Coma Scale for neurologic assessment? Evidence on these and other sacred cows…

Fighting the war on dogma

Want do away with outdated dogma in your workplace? Learn how to present an effective case for changing the current thinking.

From dream to reality

Appreciative inquiry can give your organization a fresh approach to change. In this affirmative process, everyone’s opinions, thoughts, and ideas count.

Health, safety, & wellness

Planned workplace napping can reduce error risk, increase productivity, and boost efficiency in healthcare workers.

Making resolutions, making meaningful changes

Did you make a New Year’s resolution? If so, how’s your resolve holding up? According to researchers, after 1 month, 75% of resolutions are being kept. The number…
Ready to change nurse specialties?

Ready to change specialties?

Make sure you know yourself and what you really want.   By Janet Boivin, BSN, RN Deciding to change your nursing specialty can require as much self-assessment and…
sparking change nursing ant

Sparking change in nursing

Successful change requires new skills and levels of understanding. I recently spent an invigorating day with several nurses and clinical leaders from a diverse group of hospitals in…

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Test Your Knowledge

Which of the following clinical signs and symptoms should prompt a nurse to suspect acute angle glaucoma? Select all that apply.