Workplace violence prevention

forensic files

Forensic files

Bringing nursing expertise to the fight against violence. NANCY CABELUS, DNP, APRN, AFN-BC, a Connecticut Nurses Association member, has been a state trooper, a major crimes detective, a forensic…
patient violence ant

Patient violence: It’s not all in a day’s work

Strategies for reducing patient violence and creating a safe workplace Takeaways: Nurses alleviate stress when they report incidents of workplace violence. Nurses need to be proactive and expect…

Preventing workplace violence

Analyze, report, and educate to ensure staff and patient safety The stress and isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated violence in our society. In January 2022,…

Stopping workplace violence

The public witnessed the many challenges nurses faced during the peak 
of the COVID-19 pandemic, but other longstanding difficulties aren’t widely known, including workplace violence (WPV). This content…
violence prevention

Violence prevention measures move in Congress

Assaults on the job are a hazard for nurses. The COVID-19 pandemic opened a window for elected leaders to see the safety risks—including workplace violence—that nurses face every…

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