The body’s systemic response to an infection, sepsis can progress to severe sepsis and, in some cases, to septic shock. More than 1 million Americans suffer from severe sepsis annually. This…
Feeding tubes are used for various indications in patients with either acute or long-term needs. Critical care, acute care, long-term, and home care nurses…
Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) can help reduce readmissions in patients with heart failure (HF). It uses an implanted cardiac device to boost the heart’s…
Every 40 seconds, a stroke occurs in the United States. This translates to approximately 795,000 strokes annually; of these, about 25% are recurrent strokes.…
Preventable medication errors cost the U.S. healthcare system more than $21 billion annually, according to the National Priorities Partnership and National Quality Forum. This…
Essential (primary) hypertension is one of the most important preventable contributors to illness and death in the United States. Frequently termed the silent killer,…
Mistakes involving medications are among the most common healthcare errors. Medication errors lengthen hospital stays, increase inpatient expenses, and lead to more than 7,000…
Avoidable hospital admissions are a key patient safety and quality concern. A significant cause of preventable readmissions is poor communication and coordination of care…
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