Nursing Education

Trust me. I’m a nurse

Reconciling trust, ethics, and caring. Takeaways: For 17 consecutive years, nurses have received the highest rating in the Gallup honesty and ethics…

Outpatient care of patients with COPD

Controlling symptoms and preventing exacerbations are the key to patient quality of life. Takeaways: Nurses must be able to identify patients with…

A Magnetic conference

Thousands of nurses learn and share strategies to improve care and work environments (more…)

A team approach to STEMI treatment protocols

A community hospital’s initiative improves patient outcomes. Takeaways: Few practice guidelines focus on in-hospital ST-elevation myocardial infarctions (STEMIs). Challenges related to inpatient…

Trusting the process

By Nurse Nacole I’ve trained many new nurses, ranging in age and nursing experience, and I’ve seen some individuals have issues with…
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Test Your Knowledge

Which of the following is correct about Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF)?