Workplace Violence Resource Center

We at American Nurse are saddened to hear about the violence that has taken place against nurses and hospital staff this past week in Durham, North Carolina and Dallas, Texas. We send our condolences and prayers to all those affected by these terrible acts of violence.

In response to the recent events, we would like to share some resources for additional information on dealing with violence in the healthcare settings:


nurse in distress

She Went to Work

Author: Dr. Karen Adams DNP, RN
“As a Psych Mental Health RN and leader, the loss of life to workplace violence has taken my breath away yet again,” said Dr. Karen Adams DNP, RN, Nurse Manager for Child/Adolescent…
Workplace Violence

Workplace violence: What can nurses do?

Author: Brittany DiNatale, BSN, RN
Be aware, report incidents, and get involved. Workplace violence remains all too common in healthcare, as most every nurse can attest. I’ll never forget feeling as though my heart was…
2021 Nursing Trends and Salary Survey

2021 nursing trends and salary survey results

Author: Robert J. Senior
Over 4,500 nurses from coast to coast gave us their thoughts on everything from job satisfaction to salary and benefits. Here’s what they had to say.  Editor’s note: Because of…

Reducing healthcare violence using community policing-based security strategies

Author: By Michelle Stanley, BSN, RN-BC; Brian Uridge, MPA, CPP, CHPA, CTM; Laura Dodd
A ‘safe neighborhood’ program protects staff. Takeaways: Community policing-based security strategies in healthcare organizations focus on trust, training, and technology and treat each unit or floor as a unique neighborhood,…
violence prevention

Violence prevention measures move in Congress

Author: By Lisa Stand, JD, and Ruth Francis, MPH, MCHES
Assaults on the job are a hazard for nurses. The COVID-19 pandemic opened a window for elected leaders to see the safety risks—including workplace violence—that nurses face every day on…
workplace violence

End workplace violence

Author: Ernest J. Grant, PhD, RN, FAAN President, American Nurses Association
Charting a path to zero tolerance April 16, 2021, marked a key milestone in the journey to end workplace violence in healthcare, when the Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care…

Leaders’ role in stopping workplace violence

Author: John M. Demming, MPM, CPP, CHPA, and Lynn O’Neill, BSN, RN, MBA, NEA-BC, FACHE
Develop a sustainable plan that includes support and follow-up. Takeaways: The key to a successful workplace violence prevention program begins at the top with strong policies endorsed by executive leadership.…

Workplace violence: A nurse tells her story

Author: Lillee Gelinas, MSN, RN, CPPS, FAAN
It’s not okay, and it is a big deal. By Lillee Gelinas, MSN, RN, CPPS, FAAN “Personal boundary violation is not part of our job description. That statement is powerful…

Join our upcoming webinar:

Workplace Violence in Healthcare Settings

Thursday, November 10, 2022
1:00 PM EST
Duration: 1hr

In our current Trends and Salary Survey, with 3,128 nurse respondents to date, 25% (784) note that they have been physically assaulted by patient in the past two years and 15.48% (484) were physically assaulted by family member or visitor in the past two years. If you would like to participate in our survey please click here and note the survey closes November 7th.

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