April 2016 Vol. 11 No. 4

ethics of nurse staffing

A conversation about the ethics of staffing

Editor’s note: In March 2016, Leah Curtin RN,ScD,FAAN, a living legend in nursing for her work in ethics, was asked to address the American Nurses’ Association meeting on…
An activity menu for older adults

An activity menu for older adults

You are caring for Mrs. R, a 75-year-old woman admitted to your hospital with pneumonia. After a few days, Mrs. R starts frequently ringing the call bell. She…

ANA sharps injury prevention stakeholder group

Continued efforts by ANA to enhance healthcare worker safety resulted in the formation of a sharps injury stakeholder’s group in 2015. The group meets quarterly via conference calls…
Frequently asked legal questions nurse

Frequently asked legal questions

Editor’s note: The following questions are excerpts from the book Frequently Asked Legal Questions Keeping Nurses Awake at Night, by the author, copyright 2015. Reprinted with permission. Question:…

Managing pain in frail elders

Managing pain in any older adult poses unique challenges. But older adults who are frail are more likely to experience chronic pain, acute pain, or both. What’s more, they stand a greater chance that…

Our Readers Respond — More on preventing medication errors

After reading this article (“Preventing medication errors by empowering patients”), I felt pleased that safety measures have been elevated regarding administering medication to hospital patients. I do agree that efforts made to limit medication…

Quiz time — April 2016

Which statement related to hyperglycemia in patients with diabetes who are receiving nutritional support is correct? a. Incretin hormones stimulate the actions of glucagon. b. Incretin hormones increase…

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