August 2013 Vol. 8 No. 8

Family initiated rapid response team

Rapid response isn’t just for staff. More hospitals are allowing, even encouraging, patients and their families to make the call for help.
Informal leaders and cultural change

Informal leaders and cultural change

Informal leaders are crucial to the success of a change involving the nursing team, yet they are often overlooked. A literature search of nursing publications over the past…

Radiation therapy 101

More than half of cancer patients get radiation therapy. This article gives a basic overview of this potentially life-saving treatment, discusses nursing interventions for radiation patients, and tells…

Stranger in a strange land

What’s it like for faculty to teach in another country? This article gives the reader a glimpse into the experience through the international travel of four faculty members.

Study: Bloodspot test for fibromyalgia

“A bloodspot-based diagnostic test for fibromyalgia syndrome and related disorders,” published in Analyst, reports that in the pilot study, the developed test distinguished fibromyalgia syndrome from rheumatoid arthritis…

Why do people lie?

Don Esco sought skilled nursing care at a Placerville, California facility for Johnnie, his wife of nearly 61 years, when she was recuperating from a bout with pneumonia.…

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