Mental Health

Learning from mistakes

Today’s healthcare organizations need to improve patient safety, which includes effectively communicating information to nurses about safety incidents and how to address them. After…

Bringing nursing orientation back to life

Our hospital systems’ journey to obtain Magnet® recognition led to an excellent opportunity: the chance to revamp and improve our nursing orientation program as part…
a generation gaps bruce feirstein vf

Gen Y to Take Over. Prepare

In a previous blog post, we wrote about nurse managers being caught in the middle of a tug-of-war, trying to balance competing priorities: the need…

Choosing your political battles

Mary*, a new manager in the operating room, prides herself on being a strong advocate for her staff, quickly acting on every issue with…

Learning from mistakes

Today’s healthcare organizations need to improve patient safety, which includes effectively communicating information to nurses about safety incidents and how to address…

Bringing nursing orientation back to life

Our hospital systems’ journey to obtain Magnet® recognition led to an excellent opportunity: the chance to revamp and improve our nursing orientation program…
a generation gaps bruce feirstein vf

Gen Y to Take Over. Prepare

In a previous blog post, we wrote about nurse managers being caught in the middle of a tug-of-war, trying to balance competing priorities:…

Choosing your political battles

Mary*, a new manager in the operating room, prides herself on being a strong advocate for her staff, quickly acting on every…
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Test Your Knowledge

What are the key elements to consider when creating a successful initial prompt for AI in nursing education?