Nurse retention

Black Americans in nursing education

Reflecting on the past and looking toward the future. Takeaways: There is a need for increased Black nursing faculty and students in an effort to promote diversity within…

Mentorship: A strategy for nursing retention

The limited pool of qualified nursing staff readily available to provide safe, quality care taxes the human capital management of healthcare organizations worldwide. To maintain an adequate workforce…
nurse mentorships two way street

Nurse mentorships: A two-way street

Mentoring is successful only when both the mentor and mentee contribute. Takeaways: Formal or informal mentorship can promote the longevity of mentees. Mentorship can create pride in mentees…

Nursing shortage: 3 ways to prepare

As the nursing shortage looms, healthcare organizations and leaders must take steps to address it now. These three strategies can help ensure nurse retention and quality patient care.
nurse manager job satisfaction retention

Promote nurse manager job satisfaction and retention

With support, education, and work-life balance, we can develop a new generation of nurse managers. Takeaways: Nurse managers are experiencing significant changes to their roles with expanded scope…

Support nurses with job embeddedness

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the nursing role has expanded to include emotional supporter, caregiver, and the last person a patient bonds with before they die. The extreme patient…

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