
Bonding over body image

For many college students, the ever-present pressure to be thin has trumped the goal of being healthy. Females face body-image issues throughout their life­span. Our society glorifies thinness.…
childhood obesity

Childhood obesity continues to rise

The number of obese children and adolescents (aged 5 to 19 years) worldwide has risen tenfold in the past four decades, according to a study in The Lancet.…


Food-and Americas’ overconsumption of it-have become public health issues. We need therapy for what one expert calls our “national eating disorder.”

Digital device overload may increase risk of obesity

Another reason to watch how much time you spend on your electronic devices: Mindless switching between digital devices is associated with increased susceptibility to food temptations and lack…

FDA approves device to treat obesity

On January 14, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the Maestro Rechargeable System for certain obese adults, the first weight loss treatment device that targets the…

Handling with care: The bariatric patient

Technological advances, special equipment, and screening algorithms help healthcare facilities and nurses meet the needs of bariatric patients while reducing worker injury.

Obesity continues to rise

According to report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of states with an obesity prevalence of 30% or more has tripled in two…

Obesity in nurses

Occupational challenges contribute to weight gain. Research shows that about half of American nurses are living with obesity or are overweight. American Nurses Association (ANA) research via the…

Obesity: Skin issues and skinfold management

Nurses can help reduce injury through proactive assessment and early intervention. Takeaways: A common misconception is that adults who are obese can’t experience malnourishment because their weight suggests…
Secondary stroke

Secondary prevention of stroke

Every 40 seconds, a stroke occurs in the United States. This translates to approximately 795,000 strokes annually; of these, about 25% are recurrent strokes. Although stroke has declined…

Study: Happy new marriage predicts weight gain

Newlyweds who are happy in their marriages tend to gain weight, which can affect their health, according to a study of 169 couples in Health Psychology. Although they…

Take Note

2/11/10 Three steps to lower childhood obesity Preschool children who do one or more of the following have a lower risk for obesity, according to a study of…
exercise child children kid obesity

Take Note – June 2008

Failure to rescue is most common safety mistake in hospitals       HealthGrades’ fifth annual Patient Safety in American Hospitals Study found that failure to rescue and other patient safety…
std teenage women girl

Take Note – May 2008

One in four U.S. teenage girls has an STD According to a recent federal study, one in four American teenage girls has a sexually transmitted disease (STD), even…

Urban sprawl and the built environment

Environmental health is in the midst of a paradigm shift. Today, features of the built environment, such as architecture and urban planning, are considered as important to human…

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Digital diabetes combines which of the following to improve care?