
Exercise is key part of stroke recovery

Exercise should be prescribed for stroke survivors because it can significantly reduce disability and the risk of recurrent stroke, according to “Physical Activity and Exercise Recommendations for Stroke…

Improving the care of stroke patients

Is your facility doing enough to help stroke patients survive and regain functional independence? Find out how a national evidence-based initiative helps hospitals deliver better stroke care.

Long-term depression increases stroke risk

Persistent depression may double the risk of stroke in adults over 50, and stroke risk remains higher even after symptoms of depression go away, according to a study…

Managing carotid stenosis to prevent stroke

According to the AHA, stroke, which can be classified as ischemic (blood flow to the brain is blocked) or hemorrhagic (bleeding occurswithin or around the brain), is the…

Mobile stroke units

Mobile stroke units (MSUs), ambulances equipped to evaluate, diagnose, and treat strokes in the prehospital environment, decrease door-to-thrombolytic administration time, cut door-to-thrombectomy time, reduce the risk of mortality…

Pediatric stroke

Learn more about this rare but dangerous condition.

Positive RN staffing reduces stroke mortality

The ratio of RNs on the weekends affects mortality outcomes after stroke, according to a study in PLOS Medicine. Patients admitted to a unit with 1.5 nurses/ten beds…
reducing readmissions in stroke patients

Reducing readmissions in stroke patients

Stroke readmissions are multifaceted and complex. In addition to recognizing risk factors for recurrent stroke, nurses should focus on impacting potentially preventable readmission complications such as medication adherence…
Secondary stroke

Secondary prevention of stroke

Every 40 seconds, a stroke occurs in the United States. This translates to approximately 795,000 strokes annually; of these, about 25% are recurrent strokes. Although stroke has declined…
stroke alert ant

Stroke alert

Quick identification of stroke in a postpartum patient yields positive result. Anna Connor, a 30-year-old woman, is admitted to the medical-surgical unit with a diagnosis of pneu­­monia. Her…

Stroke: Act FAST

The FAST acronym (Face, Arm, Speech, Time to call 911) are critical to recognizing signs of stroke and ensuring quick treatment. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) stroke…

Study finds expanded stroke treatment window

The results of a recent study found that the time window for saving stroke victims from disability or death could be expanded to 16 hours. Traditional guidelines set…

Time is brain

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), more than 795,000 Americans experience a stroke each year, and first-time strokes account for over three-quarters of them. An acute stroke,…

Urgent care for stroke patients: Timing is everything

  While relaxing at home at about 4 PM, Alan Sarangelo, a retired 62-year-old respiratory therapist, feels the left side of his face growing numb. His wife, a nurse, suspects he may be having…

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