Let’s use the “power of one” to eliminate lateral violence in nursing
Thank you, Dr. Leah Curtain, for your moving essay “On the power of one”
(November/December 2009). Thank you for reminding us that we serve as role models in our homes, our communities, and our workplaces. Thank you, too, for challenging us to be compassionate in the workplace—not only for the sake of our patients but for the sake of each other. If we all heed your words, the term “lateral violence in nursing” may become extinct.
Karen Buley, BSN, RN
Women and Infant Services
Community Medical Center
Missoula, MT
Hooray for the “Healthy Food” resolution
I was delighted to read about the “Healthy Food in Health Care” resolution adopted by ANA’s House of Delegates (“Issues up close: Hungry for better choices,” November/
December 2009). In light of pressure from the medical model, which focuses on illness, this resolution has the potential to jumpstart the reawakening of a nursing approach, which focuses more on illness prevention. Many consumers are immersed in an intense local organic food movement, and nurses need to paddle fast to catch up. This resolution can provide the impetus and direction.
Linda Hezel, PhD, RN
Farm Steward
Prairie Birthday Farm
Kearney, MO
In the article “Reversing opioid-induced respiratory
depression” (January 2010), the next-to-last sentence should have read: “Currently the recommended dosing for hydromorphone is 0.3-2 mg I.V. every 4 to 6 hours
depending on the patient’s response.” The corrected
article is available at www.AmericanNurseToday.com.