This special edition of Critical Care Advisor provides you with relevant information that can be used in your practice immediately. American Nurse Journal is committed to delivering authoritative research translated into content that keeps nurses up to date on best practices. Articles are written by nurses…for nurses in all clinical specialties and practice settings. Read on to help maximize patient outcomes.

Critical Care Advisor

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Critical Care

preventing falls hospitalized patients

Preventing falls in hospitalized patients

Fall prevention “bundles” applied to all patients are ineffective; fall prevention interventions must be tailored to each individual patient’s fall risk factors.

initial assessment mgmt burn patients ant

Initial assessment and management of burn patients

Your quick action can help decrease morbidity and mortality, shorten hospital stays, and reduce costs. Takeaways: Large total body surface area burns require immediate and aggressive assessment and management from…
critical care skin ant

Critical care of the skin

Two-person skin assessment builds a foundation for pressure injury prevention. Takeaways: Pressure injury (PI) care bundles help to reduce variations in care and improve outcomes. PI care bundles should include…

Families and post-intensive care syndrome

Post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) is defined as new or increased physical, cognitive, or mental health impairment in a patient after hospitalization in a critical care unit. Similarly, post-intensive care syndrome-family (PICS-F) refers to new or increased cognitive or mental health impairment in family members after a loved one is hospitalized in a critical care setting.

Hypothyroidism and nursing care

Hypothyroidism and nursing care

Learn to recognize the symptoms of this commonly overlooked condition. By Dorothy Moore, DNP, FNP-C, CCRN Sandra Reynolds, a 64-year-old homeless woman, is admitted to your unit for rehabilitation after…
Concussion: Prevention, assessment, and management

Concussion: Prevention, assessment, and management

Concussion, a subset of mild traumatic brain injury, can lead to long-term effects, including chronic traumatic encephalopathy. (See Con­cussion’s impact.) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that approximately 30 million children in the United States participate in sports that put them at risk for head trauma and concussion. And many young athletes who experience mild head trauma don’t report symptoms until hours after the injury.

sepsis challenge develop process educate staff lead reduce mortality

The Sepsis challenge

Developing processes and educating staff lead to reduced mortality. Takeaways: Sepsis requires early identification with rapid treatment. Sepsis core measure bundles are a challenge for clinicians. Algorithms and bundles offer…

Community-acquired pneumonia

Community-acquired Pneumonia (CAP) is exactly what it sounds like—a lung infection acquired while out and about in the world. The cause may be a virus, bacteria, or fungus. (See CAP stats.) community acquired pneumonia cap stats The estimated cost of treating CAP in the United States is about $12.2 billion a year. Inpatient treatment ranges from $7,500 to $10,227 per admission, whereas outpatient treatment ranges from $150 to $350 per patient. This difference demonstrates the need for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.