practice matters

2020 ANA Innovation Award winners update

Making strides forward during a challenging year    The American Nurses Association (ANA) Innovation Awards, powered by BD, highlight, recognize, and celebrate exemplary nurse-led innovation that improves patient safety…

Advance care planning across the care continuum

Nurses can play an active role in engaging patients and families in helpful conversations. Takeaways Nurses are in a unique position to promote advanced care planning (ACP) discussions…

Advocacy agenda

Collective action reaps rewards in public policy.  Ernest J. Grant Advocacy—the process of influencing public policy—occurs at all levels of government and has real-world consequences; it’s not an…

Advocacy matters

Concerted efforts yield wins on nursing priorities.  In an era of political rancor, an important piece of legislation involving nursing practice passed the U.S. House of Representatives in…
Home Equity

Agendas for change

Nursing’s path for growth, diversity, and health equity. Even as nurses worldwide confront one of the gravest crises in modern times, the nursing profession keeps looking forward and…

An extraordinary nurse leader

I’ve been fortunate to have worked with Pam Cipriano, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN, for nearly 25 years. As the founding editor-in-chief of American Nurse Journal, Pam continues to…

An ounce of prevention

Engage in practical training through Project Firstline.  A lifetime of working with patients with serious burn injuries truly ingrained in me the importance of infection prevention and control.…

Anticholinergics: Adverse effects

Anticholinergics, widely used in clinical practice for an extensive range of diseases, exert effects on circulation, respiration, alertness, and vision by blocking the action of acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter)…
Avoiding flu complacency   

Avoiding flu complacency

Vaccination coverage is key to managing outbreaks.     As of June 17, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated at least 7.8 million cases of the flu…

Back to the future

I recently spoke with some colleagues about the impact of the Federal Public Health Emergency declaration ending and how to face the challenge of figuring out where to…
Battling burnout and languishing 

Battling burnout and languishing

Brief evidence-based tactics that work Even before COVID-19, rates of burnout, depression, stress, and anxiety in nurses, and other healthcare clinicians indicated a public health epidemic. Findings from…


Providers prescribe benzodiazepines (BZDs)—also known as anxiolytics, hypnotics, muscle relaxants, anticonvulsants, and amnestic medications—to manage several symptoms and conditions, including anxiety, insomnia, alcohol withdrawal, sedation, muscle spasms, agitation,…

Beware of predatory journals

Choosing best evidence requires watching for these red flags.   Takeaways: Predatory journals (reading them, citing them in your writing, or publishing with them) threaten the integrity of nursing…

Boost your mood with food

Traditionally, dietary research focused large­ly on physical health, producing well-documented findings about how what we eat impacts our cardiovascular system, weight, and activity levels. In more recent years,…

Breaking down barriers to sizeism

The chronic disease of obesity affects quality of life, health, and function for people from all populations. The prevalence of obesity and its disparities along demographic and gender…
chaplain, healthcare, registered nurse, nursing, nursing journal

Chaplains as connectors

In caring for the whole patient—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually—nurses collaborate with other disciplines. To ensure a patient’s spiritual needs are met, nurses work with chaplains and pastoral…
Climate Courage

Climate courage

Act now to protect the global population.  I’ve always accepted the science of global warming, but I stayed on the sidelines. I didn’t think it was my responsibility…

CMS establishes minimum LTC staffing standards

In a significant move toward achieving safe nurse staffing levels, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) established minimum staffing standards for nurses in long-term care (LTC)…

Confronting racism in nursing

The inaugural National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing, comprised of representatives from over 30 national nursing organizations and 80 subject matter experts, has accomplished much. This article…
COVID-19 and palliative care

COVID-19 and palliative care

Primary care symptom management can enhance quality of life and prevent hospitalization.  Takeaways: Early identification and reporting of symptomatic COVID-19 patients in the primary care setting can improve…

COVID-19 exposed our deficiencies

The U.S. healthcare system needs adequate reserve capacity to address future pandemics. The current U.S. healthcare delivery system doesn’t have the capacity to handle a pandemic like COVID-19.…
COVID-19 vaccines

COVID-19 vaccines: What you need to know

A critical intervention to help end the pandemic.     Scientists began work to develop a safe and effective vaccine soon after identifying the SARS-CoV-2 genome in January 2020. By…
data science for nurses

Data science for nurses

Learn how to apply this skill to nursing projects.  Takeaways: Using data science methods and techniques has the potential to improve nurses’ insights into care delivery. A team-based…

Deafblindness and health advocacy

Patients with moderate-to-severe visual and hearing impairments (deafblindness) need their nurses to understand their needs and provide safe care. Nurses have fundamental knowledge about caring for patients with…

Delivering health equity at the bedside

Inequities pervade the American healthcare system and prevent people from achieving their full potential. Ensuring that nurses deliver equitable care is more than satisfying a mandatory education requirement.…

Discharge planning assessment tool

Hospital discharge delay, defined as more than 2 hours from the time of a written order, can negatively impact patients and hospitals. In addition to patients experiencing some…

Do I still belong?

You matter to the profession. As nurses continue their journey to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, many are asking, “Do I belong here?” Belonging, a human need, is…

Driving staffing solutions

Stakeholders join forces to address the nursing shortage.     The COVID-19 pandemic response has magnified long-standing nurse staffing deficits burdening the workforce. In a September 2021 COVID-19 survey by…

Early patient mobility

Nurses have carried the world through a pandemic and continue to experience the stressors of a staffing crisis and an overburdened healthcare system. Ongoing practices that increase patients’…

Educational escape rooms

An innovative experience for teaching IPC In our dynamic and fast-paced healthcare prac­tice settings, nurses and patients routinely face potential risks for and exposure to infection. Identifying infection…

EHR burden reduction

Many of us chose nursing as a career because of a strong pull to take care of others, provide comfort, and leave each interaction better than when it…

Enhancing nursing curriculum with an injection of technology

Use online tools to engage and motivate students. Evidence-based research has changed teaching from a traditional teacher-centered approach to a student-centered (constructivist) approach. According to neuroscience research, the…
Report of Racism

Examining racism in nursing

National Commission releases foundational report.     The National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing released a series of six reports on racism in nursing in May 2022, authored by…

Foundation for the future

A bold initiative to reshape nursing and healthcare. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses nationwide have been providing exemplary service under extraordinarily trying circumstances. From the earliest days of…

From clown to nurse to executive leader

If you had asked me in 2005 where I would be in 18 years, I never would have said executive nurse leader. Then, I was a professional clown.
From idea to impact

From idea to impact

Innovation Awards recognize nursing initiatives.       The 2022 American Nurses Association (ANA) Innovation Awards, sponsored by Stryker, recognized an individual nurse’s efforts to make healthcare in eastern North Carolina…
Practice Matters - Gandhi

Gandhi and the practice of nursing

Professional ethics and daily practice. One man, Mohandas Gandhi, led us back into morality as a practical thing. In my opinion, his greatest contribution to the discussion of…

Generational learning preferences

Understanding generational preferences allows us to adapt our teaching methods for most effective patient learning.

Getting shots in arms

Stay current with vaccinations. Viral respiratory illness season has arrived. Many people may be behind with their annual and routine vaccinations. What can nurses do for patients, families,…
donate blood

Give the gift of life

Make a personal commitment to support blood donation in your community.     Nurses first learn about the value of blood and the mandate for maintenance of that important gift…
From where I stand

Good-bye and God bless…

Practical hope will create new realities.  It is with some trepidation and a great deal of nostalgia that I say good-bye to my role as a contributor to…
Hospital at home

Hospital at home

Expand capacity, increase patient satisfaction, improve outcomes  Takeaways: Outside of the United States, countries such as England, Canada, and Australia have long op­erated hospital-at-home programs. Studies indicate that…

How shall we mourn our dead?

Take your time and follow the path that’s right for you. Since May 2020, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services have required nursing homes to provide data…

Improving PrEP adherence

PrEP-RN intervention would allow more healthcare professionals to counsel and initiate PrEP, which might help improve adherence.
infection prevention

Infection prevention and control is for every nurse

Refresh your knowledge through ANA Project Firstline. Nurses have always played an important role in infection prevention and control (IPC). The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted this fact. Evidence…

Infiltration of xylazine in illicit fentanyl

Be alert for the signs of this drug, a growing contributor to the opioid epidemic. In addition to the influx of fentanyl in the illicit drug supply, xylazine,…
flu vaccine

Influenza prevention

Immunization options offer coverage across the population. Last year, the incidence of influenza worldwide was unprecedentedly low. For example, less than 0.4% of respiratory samples tested positive for…

Innovating during a pandemic

An on-site makerspace leads to quick solution experimentation and implementation. Takeaways: Nurses have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic in inventive ways. Creating a culture of innovation enhances the…
ANA, American Nurse, nursing journal, registered nurse, healthcare

Innovation central

Resources and recognition for advancing nurses’ ideas and ingenuity. Ernest J. Grant Innovation—creating something new or improving on an existing process, product, or idea—is a “fundamental part of…

Innovation in motion

The American Nurses Association (ANA) Innovation Awards, sponsored by Stryker and offered annually, highlight, recognize, and celebrate nurse-led innovation that improves patient safety outcomes. The 2023 recipients provided…

Innovation on the move

Update on 2022 award winner progress The American Nurses Association (ANA) Innovation Awards, sponsored by Stryker, recognize nurse-led innovation that improves patient safety outcomes. In 2022, KaSheta Johnson…

Insulin injection and changing injury trends

A lot can change in healthcare over 5 years, including advancements in precise and early diagnosis of disease, treatment options, expansion of outpatient and pharmacy services, robotics for…

Intimate partner violence

The World Health Organization describes intimate partner violence (IPV) as “behavior by an intimate partner or ex-partner that causes physical, sexual or psychological harm, including physical aggression, sexual…

Investing in ourselves

Self-care boosts nurses personally and professionally.  Nurses nationwide have performed arduous and impeccable work during the COVID-19 pandemic, now in its 21st month and about to cross into…

Leadership style matters

What do nurses want in a leader and their practice environment? They want a supportive, safe workplace where they can learn, grow, and speak up without fear of…
Racism In Nursing

Listening with compassion

Nurses’ experiences of racism in nursing. “Many Black girls don’t make it through this nursing education program.”  Have you ever had your intelligence, competence, and value questioned because…

Making prone positioning a priority

Perfecting protocols to support patients with COVID-19     Research on the benefits of prone positioning for acute respiratory distress syndrome—and now COVID-19—has increased an awareness and urgency to initiate…
Medication titration

Medication titration

Editor’s Note:This article has been corrected to reflect accurate information regarding the block charting example. The starting does of dopamine in this scenario is 5 mcg/kg/min. Meeting The…
Motivate Gen Z nursing students

Motivate Gen Z nursing students

Facilitate—don’t direct—education.    Takeaways: Intrinsic motivators—learning facilitation, passionate presentation, content value revelation, concise information delivery, student and educator engagement, experiential learning, and meaningful feedback—improve Gen Z student learning retention.…

NCEMNA celebrates 25 years

Since 1998, the National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurse Associations (NCEMNA) has served as the unifying body for five national ethnic minority-nursing associations: Asian American/Pacific Islander Nurses Association,…

Nurse fatigue: The silent epidemic

Are you getting the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period? According to ANA Enterprise’s new Healthy Nurse Healthy Nation® survey results, 40% of…
Nurse Innovators

Nurse innovators shine

NursePitch ™ reveals products for better care. The third annual NursePitch ™—held in collaboration with the American Nurses Association (ANA) and HIMSS, and sponsored by Becton Dickinson (BD)—showcased…

Nurse referrals to pharmacy

As the main point of patient contact, nurses can help quickly identify potential health-related issues. Taking a whole person/population health management approach provides patients with individualized care management…

Nursing informatics career opportunities

Healthcare decisions depend on data, information, knowledge, and wisdom. Nursing informatics leverages these concepts to support the design, development, testing, implementation, adoption, and optimization of digital health tools,…
Mental Health Makeover

Nursing needs a mental health makeover

Easy access to resources and erasing stigma are key. For too long, nurses have struggled quietly with mental health issues, fearing stigma or negative consequences associated with getting…

Obesity in nurses

Occupational challenges contribute to weight gain. Research shows that about half of American nurses are living with obesity or are overweight. American Nurses Association (ANA) research via the…

Observations on nursing shortages

I graduated from my basic nursing program in 1973 (50 years ago!). Just like now, a significant nursing shortage existed then, too. As a matter of fact, I…

One country, one people, one government

Let’s expect more from our country, our politicians—and each other. By the time this article is published, the holidays will be over, and it will be time to…
Outreach score identifies care coordination needs

Outreach score identifies care coordination needs

Save time, increase intervention efficiency and effectiveness, and enhance patient safety.  Takeaways: Care managers spend hours cross referencing multiple sources to gather as much information as possible about…

Patient-centered innovation

Improving safety, access, and outcomes The American Nurses Association (ANA) and the American Nurses Foundation revealed the 2023 ANA Innovation Awards winners, sponsored by Stryker, a leading global…
Professional prioritization

Professional prioritization

Remember all the good we do.   Marla J. Weston Nurses repeatedly confront overwhelming workloads and the need to make extraordinarily complex choices amidst insufficient resources and competing priorities,…
program evaluation

Program transformation through evaluation

Assess program effectiveness using the CDC framework.  Takeaways: Nurses can drive change through program evaluation to improve patient outcomes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Program Evaluation…

Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

Many of us tune out during commercials that list the rare side effects of a medication. However, understanding the side effects of disease-modifying and immunosuppressive drugs can help…
patient portal

Promoting patient portal engagement

Nurses can increase the use of a valuable healthcare tool. Editor’s note: This is an early release of a web exclusive article for the January 2022 issue of…

Quality improvement

Nursing’s integral role  Staci S. Reynolds Quality improvement (QI) seeks to standardize structures and processes in the healthcare setting to reduce variation in care and improve patient outcomes.…

Rapid health technology assessments

Rapid health technology assessments (R-HTA) are focused systematic reviews of evidence for using biologicals, drugs, devices, and procedures to assist healthcare decision makers.

Reduce unnecessary transfers from clinics to EDs

When reflecting on the needs of patients using ambulatory care services, it doesn’t take long to realize that their requirements frequently exceed what these settings can offer, which…
History informs how we approach the future

Reflection and change

History informs how we approach the future.  Black History Month—celebrated each February—recognizes the contributions Black people have made across time and place despite persistent racism that denies them…

Reimagining flu vaccine clinics

A primary care network innovates during a global pandemic. Takeaways: Within a large regional network of primary care offices, an interdisciplinary team of nurses and physicians collaborated to…

Reimagining flu vaccine clinics

A primary care network innovates during a global pandemic. Takeaways: Within a large regional network of primary care offices, an interdisciplinary team of nurses and physicians collaborated to…

Risk stratification of CVD in type 2 diabetes

An estimated 34 million Americans, age 18 years and older, have diabetes, most with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) as well as a high risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD).…

Seasonal flu: 2023-24

In June, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) adopted the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ influenza vaccination recommendations for the 2023–2024 flu season This article is…

Strategies for time-sensitive medications

Timely administration of time-sensitive medications (within 30 minutes before or after the scheduled dose) can help prevent complications and prolonged hospitalizations. Some nurses feel that the 30-minute rule…

Strategies to combat implicit bias in nursing

Implicit biases (unconscious biases) are pervasive; we all have them, but they can be unlearned. Similar to medication, nurses words have the ability to heal or harm. Listening…
Student nurse intern programs

Student nurse intern programs

A beacon of hope.  Healthcare organizations throughout the nation are struggling with the prolonged pandemic and the worsening nursing shortage. An introspective look at how they’re currently recruiting…

Support for the BSN

The degree benefits nurses, hospitals, and patients. The battle over nurses’ education isn’t so much over as that it’s entered a new stage. In 1962, when I began…
Sustain and Retain

Sustain and retain

An urgent action agenda for a sustainable global nursing workforce beyond the pandemic.   Franklin A. Shaffer The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed existing workforce shortages and vulnerabilities in health…
ANA Innovation Applications 2023

Sustaining innovation

An update from the 2021 ANA Innovation Award winners. The American Nurses Association (ANA) Innovation Awards—bestowed annually—highlight, recognize, and celebrate nurse-led innovation that improves patient safety outcomes. The…
he challenge of sustaining practice improvement 

The challenge of sustaining practice improvement

Implementation success requires frontline staff participation during change development.  Not all proven, evidence-based healthcare practices are successfully implemented and sustained. In the 150 years since Ignaz Semmelweis was…

The Fundamentals of Care Framework

If we define nursing as the science and art of promoting positive human responses to health and illness, at the core of our profession sits the ability to…

The GSA KAER Framework

People are living longer worldwide. Individuals age 65 years or older now comprise approximately 17% of the U.S. population, a proportion expected to grow to 22% by 2040.…

The Joint Commission: COVID-19 response and accreditation

Resources and advocacy to support healthcare organizations. Takeaways: The Joint Commission has taken actions to support health care organizations with accreditation surveys and certification reviews during the pandemic.…
interoperability, healthcare, American Nurse

The value of interoperability to nursing

Get involved to improve care delivery. Tiffany Kelley Interoperability is the term used to describe the ability of two or more disparate systems to exchange data. Interoperability primarily…
Time for change

Tide of change

Report calls on nursing to confront and eradicate racism.  Racism: “Assaults on the human spirit in the form of biases, prejudices, and an ideology of superiority that persistently…

Toward a more inclusive nursing profession

National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing reaches 2-year mark. It’s been a momentous 2 years since the National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing (the Commission) formed…

Unemployment imperils health coverage

A fix is long overdue and needed now. So many bad things are happening, it’s hard to keep up with them all. In many states, COVID-19 hospitalizations are…

Updated nursing scope and standards

Foundational document reflects changes in healthcare.  As the professional nursing association that represents all RNs in the United States, the American Nurses Association (ANA) has the accountability and…
violence prevention

Violence prevention measures move in Congress

Assaults on the job are a hazard for nurses. The COVID-19 pandemic opened a window for elected leaders to see the safety risks—including workplace violence—that nurses face every…

We are how we sleep

What nurses need to know about social determinants of health and sleep. Takeaways: Sleep is a necessary and complex physiological function. Social determinants of health can impact one’s…

We must #EndNurseAbuse

RNs are vulnerable during COVID-19.   The stress of a pandemic can put nurses at higher risk of becoming targets of workplace violence. Now more than ever, the American…
unique nurse identifier

What a unique nurse identifier means for the future

This fingerprint of nursing enhances the visibility of nurses’ contributions. Takeaways: A unique nurse identifier (UNI), a defined code or series of characters, represents an individual nurse within…

When a nurse is the patient

Use your voice for those who can’t speak up. I’ve been a nurse for 46 years, serving in positions from critical care staff nurse to chief nurse executive.…
jehovah's witnesses

When blood transfusion isn’t an option

Jehovah’s Witnesses and their scriptural beliefs frequently are challenged within our current healthcare system. Blood transfusion for the Jehovah’s Witnesses patient isn’t an option, but it may be…
patient engagement

Words matter: Scripting to enhance patient engagement

Learn how to foster patient empowerment, engagement, and activation. All clinical nurses strive to provide person-centered care (PCC) that meets the patient’s and family’s preferences and needs. (In…

Workplace violence policy

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed several gaps in our healthcare system, including the ongoing challenge of nurse safety and workplace violence (WPV). Organizations that tracked data identified that incivility,…
Workplace Violence

Workplace violence: What can nurses do?

Be aware, report incidents, and get involved. Workplace violence remains all too common in healthcare, as most every nurse can attest. I’ll never forget feeling as though my…

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